Analysis of a reversed feeding fault from secondary to primary circuit in the substation 变电站二次侧向一次侧反送电故障分析
These tubes then transfer heat to the primary circuit water, simply by contact. 这些燃料管然后通过简单的接触换热把热量传给主回路中的冷却剂。
The primary circuit is the low-voltage side of the system and controls the secondary circuit, which is the high-voltage side of the system. 初级回路是系统的低压端,并控制这次级回路,而次级回路是系统的高压端。
The primary circuit has the form of double switch forward of feedforward control, the second circuit used the magnetic amplifier as the post regulator. 该分布式电源系统采用高频母线形式,原边电路采用双管正激电路,电压前馈控制,后级利用磁放大器精确控制。
Introduced the repair-experience of the AC driver of the electrostatic printer and proposed the method to improve the primary circuit with the solid-state armature. 介绍静电复印机AC驱动器的维修经验并提出用固态继电器对原电路进行改进的方法。
High voltage is applied between the two parts across the insulation being tested, such as the primary circuit and metal enclosure of the equipment under test ( EUT). 高压施加于被试的两个相互绝缘的部件之间,例如被试设备的主电路与其金属外壳。
Design of primary circuit typical diagram for 110 kV substation of wind farm 风电场110kV变电所电气一次标准图设计
Using Artificial Intelligent ( AI) technologies, design templet and expert system in primary circuit scheme design software of electrical equipment can promote the efficiency, and complete the task in time. 文中将人工智能技术应用于成套电器一次方案排列图设计软件中,借助于专用的设计模板和专家系统提高设计效率,保证设计任务及时、准确地完成。
UPS primary circuit and its switching circuit are analyzed, optimization solution is recommended. 分析比较UPS一次及其配电电路,推荐优化方案;
The analysis demonstrates that soft-switching in the switches of the primary circuit and in the diodes of the secondary is realized, the switching loss and EMI are also reduced. 原边电路的主开关管和副边电路的功率二极管都实现了软开关,减小了开关过程中的能量损耗,减小了电磁污染。
The third chapter illustrates the design of piezoelectric shock wave generator power source. It also studies the primary circuit, high frequency signal generator, control mode and so on. 第三章,详细阐述了压电陶瓷激波发生器系统关键技术之二&激波发生器激励电源的设计,同时对激励电源功放回路,高频信号发生器和控制方式等进行了研究;
Primary circuit scheme design of electrical apparatus is an important procedure in electrical apparatus manufactory, it is necessary to improve validity and efficiency of this procedure. 成套电器的一次方案设计排列图在成套电器生产企业中占有重要的地位,提高一次方案排列图设计的正确性及效率非常必要。
Design of experiment system for electric arc furnace primary circuit 电弧炉主电路硬件仿真试验系统设计
After introduce the configuration and principle of the primary circuit briefly, we discuss the control circuit in detail. 文中首先简要介绍了脉冲电流发生器主回路基本方案、电路结构和工作原理。其次对控制回路进行了详细的论述。
Study on Using Expert System in Primary Circuit Scheme Design for Electrical Equipment 专家系统在成套电器一次方案设计中的应用
Influence of Open Circuit Performance with a Connected Capacitor in Primary Circuit of AC Welder 交流弧焊机初级串接电容对空载性能的影响
A design for experiment system of electric arc furnace primary circuit is presented, which offers a experiment platform for control arithmetic of modulation system of electric arc furnace's electrodes. 该系统的设计目的是提供一个在现场试验前检验针对电弧炉电极调节系统所提出的控制算法的一个试验平台。
It analyzes the principle of transducer, and provides the primary circuit diagram. 对传感器的检测原理进行分析,并提供探测器的主要电路原理图。
According to analysis and comparison for different sensor technology, this paper chose the project with capacitor divider as its sensor, optical fiber as inter-media between its primary circuit and secondary circuit, and signal processing mainly in control room. 本文首先通过比较、分析不同的传感方法与原理,选定以电容分压器为传感单元、以光纤作为信号传输媒介,在控制室完成数据接收及相应信号处理过程的实现方法。
Requirements for Primary Circuit Design and Discharge of Capacitors 一次电路电容器放电试验和电路设计要求
Reactor primary Pump is the important equipment in the primary circuit, its working quality would directly influence the safety and operation of nuclear power plant. 核电站反应堆主泵是一回路的关键设备,其设备状态的优劣将直接影响核电站的安全和运行。
Development of intelligent CAD system software for primary circuit in transformer substations 智能化变电所一次回路CAD系统软件开发
In substation, the switching operation in the primary circuit will cause the electromagnetic transient process in the high-voltage bus, which in turn produces the transient voltage in the secondary side of the potential transformer ( PT) and consequently the interference in the secondary circuit. 在变电站内,一次回路中的开关操作会在高压母线上产生电磁瞬态过程。该电磁瞬态过程将在电压互感器二次侧产生瞬态电压,从而在二次回路中产生干扰。
It Consists of bidirectional switch and zero current switching control technique to achieve on time rectification in the primary circuit. High power factor, high efficency and low THD have been obtained. 电路采用零电流转换方式进行控制,并采用双向开关实现了电路初级的同期整流,从而实现了高功率因子、高效率和低高次谐波的功率因子改善电路。
The chapter of hardware design first expounds the whole design. Several primary circuit are designed, including frequency measuring circuit, PWM signals output circuit, LCD display circuit, analog signals input circuit, on-off input and output circuit and the interface circuit between the DSP and PC. 硬件部分先作了整体论述,然后具体介绍了DSP测频电路、PWM输出电路、液晶显示电路、模拟量输入电路、开关量输入输出电路以及与PC接口电路。
As an important unit of electric power system, breaker ′ s operating circuit plays an important role of assisting and protecting in cutting off the primary circuit. 断路器作为电力系统的重要元件,其操作回路在断路器切断一次回路过程中起着重要的辅助和保护作用。
The EMTP is used to set up the computation model of the primary circuit of an 110 kV GIS, the very fast transient overvoltage and transient currents ( on the grounding conductor) are calculated. 用EMTP建立了一实际110KVGIS一次系统的计算模型,并对特快速暂态过电压和接地导体上的暂态电流进行了仿真计算。
Primary circuit, detection circuitry, communication circuit, selection of related devices, software flow patter, SVPWM, and PI controller are introduced in this paper. 本文详细介绍了主电路、检测电路、CAN通信电路、相关器件选型、系统流程图、SVPWM的DSP实现、PI调节器分析设计等。
The full-bridge converter adopts ZVZCS soft-switching technology, and the paper introduces the working principle of the primary circuit under ZVZCS in detail. 全桥变换器采用ZVZCS软开关技术,并详细分析了ZVZCS下的原边电路的工作原理。